In this modern world it’s very difficult to simply disappear and not leave any sort of digital footprint as you go. By using a combination of our skilled digital investigator plus some good old fashioned on the ground detective work by our experienced agents we have a strong track record of tracing your lost relative or missing person(s) of interest.
Why hire a Private Investigator to find your missing person?
Experience has shown that whilst the initial digital investigation is excellent at generating leads, it invariably requires an agent on the ground following them up, so in situations like this, where an investigation will often boil down to wearing out the shoe leather and following leads, it’s not uncommon to find that not everyone is willing to help; so as well as the experience of knowing what questions to ask you also need to know the right way of asking them, the ability of knowing when someone is lying or covering up for someone else and in many circumstances delivered with a light and sympathetic touch. Over the many years of experience our investigators have in this field they have had to display all of these characteristics and tactics.
What do you need from me to get started?
Following our initial formal instruction authorising us to act on your behalf in this matter we will ask you to complete a short questionnaire. This is designed so our digital investigator can get started and helps him eliminate any false leads (saving you money as well) and set our field agents on the right path.
How much does it cost to find someone?
Somerset Private Investigations prides itself on the professional advice we give all our clients as well as the priority we place on representing your best interests at all times. What this means in the reality of this case is honesty. Being upfront and honest with you our client: Finding someone who (often) doesn’t want to be found requires skill and invariably man hours of looking so can be expensive. We would have a better idea on costs once the Boffin has worked his magic around the digital investigation and at all times will keep you informed so you can make informed decisions as we progress through the investigation.